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Surgical Correction

Using the latest techniques, we can improve the appearance and reduce the size of scars. Our surgeons can remove extra scar tissue, reconstruct the surrounding skin and other soft tissues, and minimize scarring after the treatment in an outpatient setting.

Our surgeons frequently recommend a mix of revision surgery and steroid injections to achieve the best outcomes in healing hypertrophic scars or keloids.

Scar revision surgery can help a scar fit in with the surrounding skin by minimizing its appearance. It is not uncommon for surgical scars to be large or very visible after an accident or surgery. During the healing process of a wound, the soft tissues around it may change shape, dimple, or become sunken, uneven, or elevated.

In addition to stitches, sutures can also change the appearance of scars as they heal. The entry points of the stitches may become permanent features if they aren’t removed before the top layer of skin heals around them, resulting in a “railroad scar.” Scars can also heal unevenly, causing the skin on one side of the scar to be higher than the skin on the other, a condition known as “trapdoor scarring.”

Our surgeon may use aesthetic methods to relocate a scar to a more inconspicuous location. During this procedure, he may remove and rearrange scars caused by incision closures on the face to break them up or have them heal along a natural fold in the skin, making them much less noticeable.

If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us or call at +91 9879546805.

Elegance clinic, Surat

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