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Scrotal Reduction

The scrotum is the sac where the testicles lie. With various factors like aging of tissues, hydrocele (fluid accumulation), varicocele (high no. of veins around testicles), and congenital, the scrotum tends to get enlarged. Sometimes it’s the lymph blockage, which may cause the enlargement.

Once the scrotum is enlarged it can cause irritation in the scrotal skin, upper thighs, etc. A man can get uncomfortable wearing fitted clothes or even during workouts or exercises. When the person ages, the firmness of the scrotum is affected and it takes a low-hanging position. Thus, most men get it reduced to improve the overall cosmetic appearance.

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The scrotum reduction is a surgical process where all the excess skin is removed. When the surgery is performed ideally it can correct all the underlying flaws and can regain the shape and size of the scrotum perfectly.

Now, enlargement of the scrotum usually occurs in men of more age but even men at a younger age might also get affected. Most times, the scrotum stretches with time but there are cases where men are just born with excessive skin.

Patients who have an enlarged scrotum are likely to have a penoscrotal web, which is corrected during the surgery itself. The surgical procedure takes a shorter timeline and is safe for men. Once the surgery is done, the men can resume their normal routine within 4-5 days. The outcome of the surgery is satisfactory and helps men psychologically to feel good about them.

Dr. Ashutosh Shah at Elegance Clinic is a cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon who deals with scrotal surgeries regularly. the scrotal reduction is a simple daycare procedure. usually done in regional anesthesia and no full-day admission is required.

Expert Insights into Scrotal Reduction by Dr. Ashutosh Shah
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Frequently Asked Questions

Having doubts and questions? These are few questions our customers normally ask us!

Scrotal surgery, or scrotal reduction, is a procedure to remove excess skin from the scrotum, improving its appearance and comfort.

Yes, when performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Ashutosh Shah, scrotal lift is a safe procedure.

The cost varies based on the complexity of the procedure and the clinic. Elegance Clinic offers competitive pricing.

Discomfort is minimal, and pain management is provided during and after the procedure.

 Recovery time varies, but most patients resume normal activities within 4-5 days.

 Benefits include improved cosmetic appearance, reduced discomfort, and enhanced self-confidence.

The results of scrotoplasty are generally permanent, barring significant weight changes or medical conditions.

Complications can include infection, bleeding, and issues with wound healing, though these are minimized with expert care.

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